Friday 14 April 2023

Top 8 Video Myths Your Team Believes and How to Dispel Them

It can be difficult to break old habits, especially when it comes to sales. Changes are happening with a rapidity. Many sales teams resist incorporating video in their daily routine. This reluctance is not necessarily due to the medium; instead, it may be a result from misconceptions or ingrained habits. We conducted user interviews to find out why this is and dispel the myths. The video myths that we encountered were eye-opening. Others told us they don’t use videos because they think it is a time consuming process, or because they are used to emailing.

Are these video myths true? Does it really take that much effort to create a video? Hippo Video has put together a list that includes the eight biggest myths surrounding video and features to help you combat these fears. Let’s get started.

VideoMyth: “I need to reshoot because I forget my lines.”

When it comes to recording video, there are two types of people: those who like to memorize the script or those who write it down. Both cases are prone to errors, since you may misspell a phrase, forget your lines or feel blank halfway through the video. This leads to the need to record a video several times. In reality, this is a video myth. You’re just missing one important tool: a teleprompter.

This image represents how the teleprompter feature of Hippo Video looks like.

Hippo Video’s teleprompter can be compared to a secret weapon. This teleprompter is different from others that only display words. It has two scrolling modes that can be customized to your liking: an “auto-scroll” that allows you to choose the font size, line spacing and speed. You can also pause or resume scrolling with a simple tap on the spacebar.

This video shows the two scroll options of Hippo Video teleprompter.

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Next, the voice flow feature is what makes the difference. As you speak, the screen will move in perfect sync to your voice. There are no more awkward pauses, or words that get mixed up! If you stop talking, the teleprompter stops scrolling. This is like having a invisible assistant who can follow your every move. This feature is essential to delivering a presentation or speech with style and confidence. With Hippo Video’s teleprompter, you won’t have to worry about forgetting your lines and tripping over your words.

VideoMyth 2: It takes too much time to make multiple videos

A sales rep’s day is often filled with a long list of tasks. They are expected to call multiple times a day and reach out to over 100 prospects on average. It’s not surprising that video creation is put on the back burner when there are so many other things to do. We learned from our conversation with these busy bees that the greatest obstacle to creating personalized videos was time management. They wanted to be able to scale up their videos without sacrificing quality or time.

How can we solve this problem? Hippo Video is here to help. Sales reps can achieve both goals with two features: video flows and Humanize AI.

Let’s take a closer look. You can choose from pre-built templates that are categorized by sales stages, including prospecting, introductions, follow-ups, etc. All that is left to do now is record your personal introductions and combine them with prerecorded video clips for a tailored output for each prospect – ready in minutes. You can even go further and create your own template flows that are tailored to your business needs, so you don’t need to start from scratch every time.

This video shows how video flows by Hippo Video works.

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Imagine personalized videos in lightning speed. Humanize AI allows you to record a video and create hundreds of customized versions, each with a voice-personalized greeting that is unique for the recipient. Use AI to delight your prospects by providing a customized, immersive experience.

Watch this video to know how sales reps can use Humanize AI.

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VideoMyth #3: I’m not good at editing

No one expects sales reps to be experts at video editing. They are good at selling, and no one expects that they will also be great at it. We spoke to two sales reps, who both admitted that they were unable to make videos because of their lackluster editing skills. It also takes them a lot of time to edit frame-by-frame for the perfect video.

They’re not aware of our AI editor. The AI editor converts videos into text and makes video editing easy. By using quick keyboard strokes, you can remove unwanted lines and filler words from the video without having to go frame by frame. Add titles, lower thirds and transitions to videos by entering text.

This video shows you sales reps can easily edit videos using AI editor.

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Who said that editing was only for professionals?

Video Myth #4: I’m not sure if anyone will be interested.

We often hear sales reps, who are new to video, worry that no one will click on their videos despite the effort they put into making them. If you are unsure of how to use videos as a tool for sales, here are some tips on making sure that your videos will be clicked.

Personalization is a key factor in connecting with prospects. Every step of the journey should be personalized.

Start by personalizing every element of your message, from the subject to the content. This will make it more relevant for the recipient. Add the word “video” to your subject line to increase clicks. People will be aware that you have a video to watch.

The next step is to create an appealing video thumbnail. Mention the duration of the video so that they can know how long they should spend watching it. You can also use the prospect’s LinkedIn or website as a virtual backdrop to create curiosity and show you have done your research.

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And if you use it as your video thumbnail, it will pique their interest and get them to click. These small touches can make a big difference in creating a successful video marketing campaign.

Video Myth 5: I’m not good at being in front of the camera

We’ve come across a lot of video myths and this one is by sales reps who say that they’re introverts and that they feel awkward in front of the camera. If you’re one of them, don’t worry—we’ve got your back. To give you a starting point, we have two features that could help you out. First, opt for the screen + webcam record option to take some pressure off yourself. And if that still feels too intimidating, try the video flow feature, where you only need to record a short intro and outro video and then repurpose the middle portion. With just a little bit of personality sprinkled in, you’ll be making engaging videos in no time!

Video Myth 6: Videos can only be sent as an email

If you are a sales rep who believes in this myth and is wondering where the videos will be played, we have only one piece of advice: don’t limit yourself to just sending videos as part of an email. If you are, then you’re missing out on a world of possibilities! With advanced video platforms like ours, the possibilities are endless. Give viewers a whole new experience and connect with them in a more personalized way by adding videos to a dedicated page, also known as a sales landing page.

This image shows how sales reps can create and send a personalized sales page easily.

Create a video hub that is engaging and informative or add custom call-to action buttons.

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You can also easily share videos with any social network of your choice, by just pasting the unique URL provided by this platform. All these options allow you to connect with your audience in a personal way, and guide them towards the best next step without being pushy.

Video Myth 7 – Videos are only used at certain stages of sales

It’s time to reconsider this. While some sales reps think that videos are only for introducing them to clients, we need to rethink it! Videos can help at any stage of the sales funnel, whether you believe it or not. Videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including introducing yourself to prospects, identifying their unique pain points, showcasing demos, reminding them of upcoming appointments, or even guiding them through the proposal and contract process. Your creativity and motivation are key to finding the best way to integrate video in your sales strategy. Explore the possibilities of video integration in your sales strategy.

Video Myth 8 – Videos can end up in spam if you send them via email

You’re hesitant to use videos in your sales outreach, because you worry that your videos might end up in the spam folders. You’re not the only one who believes this video myth. Try using a video-hosting platform instead of attaching the video to your email. You can store your video in the cloud without any size restrictions, and you will have less chance of emails not being delivered. Plus, using another window to watch the video will eliminate annoying playback problems. Here’s another tip: add some text along with your video attachment in order to avoid it being flagged as spam. These tips will help you share videos with confidence, without having to worry about them ending up in the spam folder.

Video training for your sales team

Although it’s easy to be skeptical about new technologies and fall for video myths, embracing the latest mediums could transform your business. Videos are no longer a nice to have feature, but a necessity in today’s competitive world. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Hippo Video offers a great solution for sales reps that are busy and want to provide a personalized experience without putting in countless hours of work. Hippo Video will keep you and your team on the cutting edge of video technology.

The post Top 8 Video Myths Your Team Believes, and How to Dispel Them appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.



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