Monday 17 July 2023

Customer Service Metrics 2023 Guide and Free Template

Customer Service Metrics – 2023 Guide and Free Template by Affiliate Marketing Buzz
Customer Service Metrics – 2023 Guide and Free Template In a world of on-demand and multi-platform support, customer service metrics allow companies to track the progress they are making. In addition, tracking your customer service metrics can be a great way to gauge the health of your company. Positive word-of-mouth can increase your brand’s reach and encourage repeat purchases from happy customers. Read on to learn how to track customer satisfaction and success efficiently, so that your team can stay on top of everything customer service. Bonus: Download a free and easy-to-use template for calculating your monthly efforts in customer service. What are the metrics of customer service? Customer... In a world of on-demand and multi-platform support, customer service metrics allow companies to track the progress they are making. In addition, tracking your customer service metrics can be a great way to gauge the health of your company. Positive word-of-mouth can increase your brand’s reach and encourage repeat purchases from happy customers. Read on to learn how to track customer satisfaction and success efficiently, so that your team can stay on top of everything customer service. Bonus: Download a free and easy-to-use template for calculating your monthly efforts in customer service. What are the metrics of customer service? Customer service metrics are key performance indicators that measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of customer support. By tracking common metrics, a company can allocate resources to the right areas, identify which channels are used by customers, and pinpoint recurring problems or bottlenecks. Client satisfaction is also measured using customer service metrics. Customer feedback, such as surveys or polls of customers, is also used to measure client satisfaction. In 2023, there will be 18 metrics that you should track to measure customer service. Here is a list of the most important customer service metrics. 1. Net Promoter Score (NPS) The Net Promoter Score is a measure of how likely customers are to recommend you to others. It is one of the most critical metrics for measuring customer engagement. Only customers who have a good relationship with your brand will recommend you. Send a brief survey to your customers after an interaction with customer service or a purchase. You can ask them a simple question, “How likely are you to endorse the brand?” NPS is typically measured on a 1-10 scale, although some companies use a 5-point scale. Source: Shaw Mobile survey Subtract your detractors (those that would not recommend your product) from your promoters. Remove those who are in the “maybe” category. These people are “passives” that don’t affect your score. NPS = Percentage promoters/percentage detractors 2. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT). Like NPS, CSAT involves asking your customers a simple survey question. In this case, however, you simply ask your customers to rate their experience. Instead of asking if they would recommend you, ask them if they are satisfied with you. This is one the most important customer service success metrics. This response encapsulates all aspects of the customer service experience. Sending an NPS survey can be done after a purchase OR a customer service interaction. CSAT surveys are typically sent after customer service interactions. Use a numerical scale or be creative like in this CSAT questionnaire: Source: email survey Divide the number of responses by the positive scores in your survey to calculate CSAT. To get the percentage, multiply by 100. CSAT = (Number positive scores/Number replies) x100 Hootsuite Inbox will automatically send CSAT surveys to customers after every customer service interaction. The results are then automatically pulled into Hootsuite Analytics, allowing for easy reporting and analysis. Reduce response time (and your workload) Manage all your messages stress-free with easy routing, saved replies, and friendly chatbots. Try Hootsuite’s Inbox today. Book a Demo 3. Customer effort score (CES) This is another metric determined by a simple survey. At first, the survey question looks very similar to that for CSAT. But in this case, rather than asking how satisfied the customer is with the service, you instead ask h...
via YouTube


Saturday 15 July 2023

Hootsuite CEO Reveals Her Social Media Time Every Day

Hootsuite CEO Reveals Her Social Media Time Every Day by Affiliate Marketing Buzz
Hootsuite CEO Reveals Her Social Media Time Every Day Irina Noselsky, CEO of Hootsuite, was invited to Collision 2023 where she conducted a QA session with Evan Hansen. Hansen is the Co-founder, Editor-in Chief and Co-Founder of Meteor. Evan Hansen asked Irina the first question: How are you finding your new job? She shared in a matter of milliseconds that she had no problem becoming a social chief executive. This relieved her of the pressure to justify the 30 minutes she spends on social media every morning when she wakes up. Irina and Irina continued their discussion on the evolution of social media, the impact of technological disruption, and... Irina Noselsky, CEO of Hootsuite, was invited to Collision 2023 where she conducted a QA session with Evan Hansen. Hansen is the Co-founder, Editor-in Chief and Co-Founder of Meteor. Evan Hansen asked Irina the first question: How are you finding your new job? She shared in a matter of milliseconds that she had no problem becoming a social chief executive. This relieved her of the pressure to justify the 30 minutes she spends on social media every morning when she wakes up. Irina and Irina continued their discussion on the evolution of social media, the impact of technological disruption, and how brands can continue to be where their customers are: On social, where five billion people spend several hours each day. We know that you are busy right now (scrolling through Threads), so we’ve compiled a list of some of the most important takeaways Irina made during her talk. Discoverability is the key to attracting your audience It’s more difficult than ever to strike the right balance between using social media channels to engage with your customers and keeping up with social trends without losing the unique voice of your brand. Due to the volume of social media, users are now able to quickly assess content and determine what is interesting. Authentic discoverability is a key factor as brands begin to recognize the importance of social on a wider scale. We’ve seen that Gen Z has influenced the shift in social media, and social users want content that is relatable, and speaks to them not as consumers, but as people. Irina summarized, “People want to buy directly from people.” The greatest strength of your brand is its employee base Hootsuite has seen time and time again that when customers unleash their greatest strength – their employees – it amplifies the expertise of their field by human-to-human interactions on social. Colliers, an investment management and professional services company, is a shining example of the impact an employee advocacy program has on an organization. Hootsuite Amplify enabled them to provide quality content that was brand safe for their 18,000 employees. They could then share it on their channels. It was easier for employees to create their own personal brands and increase awareness of Colliers by using the tools that were most important to them. What are the results? Colliers employees in 2022 shared 4,700 posts. This resulted in an impressive reach of 9,5 million people, a 43% improvement over the previous year. Remember the days when companies feared that their employees would talk negatively about them online? We’ve come a very long way since then. Although this is a relatively new area, brands still have a lot to learn. Those who trust their employees will reap the benefits. By providing employees with brand-safe social media content, you can empower them rather than put them at risk. You can’t ignore customer service on Facebook. Poor customer service is the most common way to lose customers. You’ll remember a time when you had a bad experience with a customer service team, whether it was in person or on the phone. The thought that comes to mind is: “You don’t deserve my money.” In fact, according to a J.D. Power found that 67% consumers had used social media to contact a company for customer service. They also expect a quick response, with 42% anticipating a reply within 60 minutes and another 32% within 30 minutes. Irina explains that “not being on social media 24/7 is no longer an alternative.” You can see it in action every day. Think of the time when TikTok, Instagram and Alix Earle’s friends were stranded after a booking fraud in Italy and Air...
via YouTube


How to monitor your brands reputation using Agorapulse

How to monitor your brand’s reputation using Agorapulse by Affiliate Marketing Buzz
How to monitor your brand’s reputation using Agorapulse Why monitor brand reputation? Monitoring brand reputation is crucial because it provides valuable insight into customer sentiment and can guide marketing strategies and product developments. Analyzing this feedback allows businesses to identify areas of improvement and provide a better experience for customers. By monitoring your brand’s reputation, you will be able to stay on top of customer expectations and adjust to changing market needs. How to monitor brand reputation in Agorapulse Agorapulse is the best social listening tool to use to monitor your brand’s reputation. You can then gather and analyze information from various social media platforms as well as... Why monitor brand reputation? Monitoring brand reputation is crucial because it provides valuable insight into customer sentiment and can guide marketing strategies and product developments. Analyzing this feedback allows businesses to identify areas of improvement and provide a better experience for customers. By monitoring your brand’s reputation, you will be able to stay on top of customer expectations and adjust to changing market needs. How to monitor brand reputation in Agorapulse Agorapulse is the best social listening tool to use to monitor your brand’s reputation. You can then gather and analyze information from various social media platforms as well as other online channels. How to monitor your brand’s reputation using Agorapulse Agorapulse tracks all direct mentions, which are those that occur when someone uses @yourusername in social media. You’ll still need to manually monitor your brand’s reputation. Click the New Search button in the Listening tab to start. Enter your search criteria, such as brand names, product names, URLs of websites, or competitor names. You can refine your social listening search to the extent that you like. Agorapulse has no limit on the number of search terms you can create. The only exception is Instagram, where there’s a limit of 30 searches. The more searches you make, the busier the dashboard gets. Narrow your search as much as you can to ensure that only relevant mentions are sent. You can, for example, exclude certain terms from YouTube searches and specify a specific language when searching Twitter. 2. Find new brand mentions You can find brand mentions by setting up searches in Agorapulse’s Listening Dashboard. To Review automatically displays any new brand mentions. Click the checkmark to remove an item from To Review. Click the checkmark on the top of your inbox to view all items. You’ll see that if you have created multiple searches they will appear in a tab for each profile. Click the filter icon in the upper right corner of your inbox to separate brand mentions and other searches. Use the dropdown menu to select the search that you want to review. Labels can be used to organize your Brand Monitoring content. Open the Bulk Actions menu and select all the items that you wish to label. Choose Add Label, then choose the label that you wish to apply. 3. Brand mentions: Respond to them Click on any mention of a brand to interact with it from the Agorapulse Dashboard. You can now like, share or respond to any mention, without having to leave Agorapulse. You can create a customized reply or use one of your previously saved responses to reuse an old response. Click the message icon located below the response box to access your saved responses. Search for the best reply, or scroll down to find it. From this interface, you can also create a new reply. Click Send when you are satisfied with your answer. The item will be moved to the All tab automatically after it is removed from the To Review tab. 4. Include your team Some brand mentions will likely require a straightforward response. Simply click Review and respond to the email. Other items may require a more thorough response, such as customer complaints or detailed questions. You can assign any of these items to a member of your team, without having to leave the Agorapulse Dashboard. Click the silhouette to assign a mention of a brand at the top item in the inbox. Select a teammate from the dropdown list and add a context by writing a message. The item will be moved from the To Review tab to the Assigned tab of...
via YouTube


Thursday 13 July 2023

How to monitor your brands reputation using Agorapulse

Why monitor brand reputation?

Monitoring brand reputation is crucial because it provides valuable insight into customer sentiment and can guide marketing strategies and product developments.

Analyzing this feedback allows businesses to identify areas of improvement and provide a better experience for customers. By monitoring your brand’s reputation, you will be able to stay on top of customer expectations and adjust to changing market needs.

How to monitor brand reputation in Agorapulse

Agorapulse is the best social listening tool to use to monitor your brand’s reputation. You can then gather and analyze information from various social media platforms as well as other online channels.

How to monitor your brand’s reputation using Agorapulse

1. Install social listening

Agorapulse tracks all direct mentions, which are those that occur when someone uses @yourusername in social media. You’ll still need to manually monitor your brand’s reputation.

Click the New Search button in the Listening tab to start.

Enter your search criteria, such as brand names, product names, URLs of websites, or competitor names.

You can refine your social listening search to the extent that you like.

Agorapulse has no limit on the number of search terms you can create. The only exception is Instagram, where there’s a limit of 30 searches.

The more searches you make, the busier the dashboard gets. Narrow your search as much as you can to ensure that only relevant mentions are sent. You can, for example, exclude certain terms from YouTube searches and specify a specific language when searching Twitter.

2. Find new brand mentions

You can find brand mentions by setting up searches in Agorapulse’s Listening Dashboard.

To Review automatically displays any new brand mentions.

Click the checkmark to remove an item from To Review. Click the checkmark on the top of your inbox to view all items.

You’ll see that if you have created multiple searches they will appear in a tab for each profile. Click the filter icon in the upper right corner of your inbox to separate brand mentions and other searches. Use the dropdown menu to select the search that you want to review.

Monitoring Brand Reputation

Labels can be used to organize your Brand Monitoring content. Open the Bulk Actions menu and select all the items that you wish to label. Choose Add Label, then choose the label that you wish to apply.

3. Brand mentions: Respond to them

Click on any mention of a brand to interact with it from the Agorapulse Dashboard. You can now like, share or respond to any mention, without having to leave Agorapulse. You can create a customized reply or use one of your previously saved responses to reuse an old response.

brand reputation management with saved replies

Click the message icon located below the response box to access your saved responses. Search for the best reply, or scroll down to find it. From this interface, you can also create a new reply.

Click Send when you are satisfied with your answer. The item will be moved to the All tab automatically after it is removed from the To Review tab.

4. Include your team

Some brand mentions will likely require a straightforward response. Simply click Review and respond to the email.

Other items may require a more thorough response, such as customer complaints or detailed questions. You can assign any of these items to a member of your team, without having to leave the Agorapulse Dashboard.

manage brand reputation by assigning brand mentions

Click the silhouette to assign a mention of a brand at the top item in the inbox. Select a teammate from the dropdown list and add a context by writing a message. The item will be moved from the To Review tab to the Assigned tab of your colleague when you click the Assign Button.

5. Keep track of important mentions

Some mentions may have a greater impact than others.

You won’t lose track of a post if you find out about potential influencers or customers with problems, or if you discover great UGC.

Agorapulse allows you to bookmark any mention, and you can give it a label that is unique. This will keep the mention on your team’s radar. You might label posts or mentions that need to be followed up.

manage brand reputation

Click the three dots in the upper-right corner of an item from your Inbox to bookmark the brand. Select Bookmark in the list. The item will appear in your inbox with a Bookmark label.

You can then use the Bookmarks Filter to only view bookmarked items.

Click the plus sign at the bottom right corner of an item in your inbox to label the brand mentioned. Select from the dropdown list or click to create new labels.

6. Engaged customers: Know them!

You can do much more with Agorapulse than simply track specific mentions. You can also track who is talking about your brand.

You can learn more about any user who mentions your brand by clicking on the tweet.

Monitor Brand Reputation

Use their number of followers and how many times they have mentioned your brand when assessing their social authority.

Agorapulse automatically labels those users who interact with the brand. However, you can also add labels to individual users to keep track of any events that may impact your brand’s reputation. You can then track them on the CRM tab. Here you can modify labels or review previous mentions. Or you can leave internal comments to your team.

Click on the profile to learn more about a user’s past interactions with your company. You will see the basic information such as their username, number of followers, and how many times they have interacted with your company. You can scroll through previous mentions.

To add a manual tag, click the plus sign beside User Labels. Click to add a note to your team.

From the Fans & Followers section, you can also manage influencers or ambassadors. Click on any user for details, to review interactions, to add labels and internal notes.

7. Report on Brand Mentions

Take the time to learn from your social media reports. Include your customized labels in your Agorapulse reports for social media to help your team measure mentions and gauge public perception. Use your analysis to enhance or improve your campaign.

Agorapulse counts brand mentions automatically and listens to searches in the Reports tab. Use the label feature in your reports to add nuance. You can monitor sentiments, campaigns and other insights which may have an impact on your brand’s reputation.

You can create custom reports based on your labeling system. Click Create a Report and then select Label Report. Select at least one social network profile and a tag, then select the data that you would like to include in the report.

Click on Schedule your Custom Report to automate this insight. You can choose to receive weekly or monthly reports. They can be sent either to you or your team.

8. Improve your brand reputation monitoring strategy

Social listening can help you identify issues and crises that may arise before they become more serious. You can protect your online reputation by being proactive.

Social listening is a continuous process. Continue to adjust your search parameters and keyword to keep up with the changing conversation surrounding your brand.

While social listening tools can be powerful, they’re not perfect. To gain a complete understanding of your brand, it’s essential to combine data analysis with critical thinking and human analysis.

In conclusion

Agorapulse is a great tool for agencies that have clients who are struggling to keep up with all the online mentions. You can also help them manage their brand reputation and gather customer insights.

Social listening can help clients monitor their competitors, and also stand out amongst their peers. All this while you earn money as a social agency. It’s hard to believe it could be so easy, isn’t it?

See for yourself how Agorapulse can streamline brand reputation management.


The post How to monitor your brand’s reputation using Agorapulse appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.



Wednesday 12 July 2023

Hootsuite CEO Reveals Her Social Media Time Every Day

Irina Noselsky, CEO of Hootsuite, was invited to Collision 2023 where she conducted a Q&A session with Evan Hansen. Hansen is the Co-founder, Editor-in Chief and Co-Founder of Meteor. Evan Hansen asked Irina the first question: How are you finding your new job?

She shared in a matter of milliseconds that she had no problem becoming a social chief executive. This relieved her of the pressure to justify the 30 minutes she spends on social media every morning when she wakes up.

Irina and Irina continued their discussion on the evolution of social media, the impact of technological disruption, and how brands can continue to be where their customers are: On social, where five billion people spend several hours each day.

We know that you are busy right now (scrolling through Threads), so we’ve compiled a list of some of the most important takeaways Irina made during her talk.

Discoverability is the key to attracting your audience

It’s more difficult than ever to strike the right balance between using social media channels to engage with your customers and keeping up with social trends without losing the unique voice of your brand. Due to the volume of social media, users are now able to quickly assess content and determine what is interesting.

Authentic discoverability is a key factor as brands begin to recognize the importance of social on a wider scale. We’ve seen that Gen Z has influenced the shift in social media, and social users want content that is relatable, and speaks to them not as consumers, but as people.

Irina summarized, “People want to buy directly from people.”

The greatest strength of your brand is its employee base

Hootsuite has seen time and time again that when customers unleash their greatest strength – their employees – it amplifies the expertise of their field by human-to-human interactions on social.

Colliers, an investment management and professional services company, is a shining example of the impact an employee advocacy program has on an organization. Hootsuite Amplify enabled them to provide quality content that was brand safe for their 18,000 employees. They could then share it on their channels. It was easier for employees to create their own personal brands and increase awareness of Colliers by using the tools that were most important to them.

What are the results? Colliers employees in 2022 shared 4,700 posts. This resulted in an impressive reach of 9,5 million people, a 43% improvement over the previous year.

Remember the days when companies feared that their employees would talk negatively about them online? We’ve come a very long way since then.

Although this is a relatively new area, brands still have a lot to learn. Those who trust their employees will reap the benefits. By providing employees with brand-safe social media content, you can empower them rather than put them at risk.

You can’t ignore customer service on Facebook.

Poor customer service is the most common way to lose customers. You’ll remember a time when you had a bad experience with a customer service team, whether it was in person or on the phone. The thought that comes to mind is: “You don’t deserve my money.”

In fact, according to a J.D. Power found that 67% consumers had used social media to contact a company for customer service. They also expect a quick response, with 42% anticipating a reply within 60 minutes and another 32% within 30 minutes.

Irina explains that “not being on social media 24/7 is no longer an alternative.”

You can see it in action every day. Think of the time when TikTok, Instagram and Alix Earle’s friends were stranded after a booking fraud in Italy and Airbnb saved them.


This is not real life. Thank you @airbnb!


#positano #airbnb #italy #girlstrip

Original sound – Alix Earle

Evan says that some people might think this level of service is not available to everyone, especially those who lack’social juice’. Anyone without millions of followers. This raises the question, how can you democratize your customer service?

This example should serve as a warning to brands that use creators to expand their reach: Be consistent in your customer service, or you may be criticized. It’s not worth it to take the risk when 80% of consumers say they will switch brands if there is more than one negative experience.

Automating customer service does not fall under the AI umbrella.

How does AI affect the social space is a question that everyone asks.

AI, like social media with its rapid adoption and innovation rate, is something we cannot ignore. Chat GPT had 1 million users within five days of its launch. It has since grown to over 100 million.

Social marketers are not exempt from the opportunity to automate mundane tasks.

Our customers were very clear in their responses when we surveyed them. 77% said that they are responsible for ‘composing content ideas’. However, the greatest challenge to almost a third of our respondents is… drum roll… ‘composing content ideas.

AI has many benefits: it can increase speed and scope of work, reduce costs and risks of human errors, improve workflows, facilitate data-driven decisions, and boost customer experience. This means that social and digital marketing professionals can automate parts of their job that feel robotic, so they can focus on the tasks that require a human touch, which is your creativity.

It will become increasingly important to balance authenticity in social media with the use of automation tools.

Irina reaffirmed that “Social is designed for human-tohuman interaction.”

It is essential to adopt a “human-first” mindset when automating interactive workflows.

Hootsuite developed a tool powered by AI that suggests social post ideas, captions and other content. This helps social marketers to speed up their creative process without losing their own voice. Automation can make content creation easier, but can’t take the place of human touch.

OwlyWriter AI is a simple way to harness the power of AI in social media. Get captions for your posts and post ideas instantly.

Try OwlyWriter Ai

Hootsuite’s CEO Reveals the Time She Spends Everyday on Social Media


Did you miss our previous article…

The post Hootsuite CEO Reveals Her Social Media Time Every Day appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.



Tuesday 11 July 2023

Customer Service Metrics 2023 Guide and Free Template

In a world of on-demand and multi-platform support, customer service metrics allow companies to track the progress they are making. In addition, tracking your customer service metrics can be a great way to gauge the health of your company. Positive word-of-mouth can increase your brand’s reach and encourage repeat purchases from happy customers.

Read on to learn how to track customer satisfaction and success efficiently, so that your team can stay on top of everything customer service.

Bonus: Download a free and easy-to-use template for calculating your monthly efforts in customer service.

What are the metrics of customer service?

Customer service metrics are key performance indicators that measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of customer support.

By tracking common metrics, a company can allocate resources to the right areas, identify which channels are used by customers, and pinpoint recurring problems or bottlenecks.

Client satisfaction is also measured using customer service metrics. Customer feedback, such as surveys or polls of customers, is also used to measure client satisfaction.

In 2023, there will be 18 metrics that you should track to measure customer service.

Here is a list of the most important customer service metrics.

1. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score is a measure of how likely customers are to recommend you to others. It is one of the most critical metrics for measuring customer engagement. Only customers who have a good relationship with your brand will recommend you.

Send a brief survey to your customers after an interaction with customer service or a purchase. You can ask them a simple question, “How likely are you to endorse the brand?” NPS is typically measured on a 1-10 scale, although some companies use a 5-point scale.

Source: Shaw Mobile survey

Subtract your detractors (those that would not recommend your product) from your promoters. Remove those who are in the “maybe” category. These people are “passives” that don’t affect your score.

NPS = Percentage promoters/percentage detractors

2. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT).

Like NPS, CSAT involves asking your customers a simple survey question. In this case, however, you simply ask your customers to rate their experience.

Instead of asking if they would recommend you, ask them if they are satisfied with you. This is one the most important customer service success metrics. This response encapsulates all aspects of the customer service experience.

Sending an NPS survey can be done after a purchase OR a customer service interaction. CSAT surveys are typically sent after customer service interactions. Use a numerical scale or be creative like in this CSAT questionnaire: customer satisfaction survey

Source: email survey

Divide the number of responses by the positive scores in your survey to calculate CSAT. To get the percentage, multiply by 100.

CSAT = (Number positive scores/Number replies) x100

Hootsuite Inbox will automatically send CSAT surveys to customers after every customer service interaction. The results are then automatically pulled into Hootsuite Analytics, allowing for easy reporting and analysis.

Reduce response time (and your workload)

Manage all your messages stress-free with easy routing, saved replies, and friendly chatbots. Try Hootsuite’s Inbox today.

Book a Demo>

3. Customer effort score (CES)

This is another metric determined by a simple survey. At first, the survey question looks very similar to that for CSAT. But in this case, rather than asking how satisfied the customer is with the service, you instead ask how easy it was to get the service they needed. 

Turbo Tax email survey

Source: TurboTax email survey

This will give you an idea of how well-organized your customer service program really is. CES is a measure of the ease with which you can access support.

Helping customers get support in all channels they use is a great way to boost CES. Hootsuite Inbox allows you to manage all customer support channels across social media, keeping your customers happy and boosting CES.

The formula to calculate CES is similar to that for CSAT. It’s just the survey question that addresses a different facet of customer satisfaction. To calculate CES, you divide the number positive responses on your CES questionnaire by the total number. To get the percentage, multiply by 100.

CES = (Number positive scores/Number replies) x100

4. Support ticket categories

It’s crucial for companies who organize their support tickets according to the type of problem that they are experiencing, to be aware of which issues occur most frequently. Analyzing which categories have the highest volume of tickets can help you determine where your customers are putting the most effort.

Support tickets may be categorized as follows:

Sales questionTechnical issuesCancellationsReturnsShippingProduct availability

The number of visitors, the pages Frequently Asked Questions, and articles on help are all ways to determine where customers need most assistance.

5. Ticket volume

It’s important to track the most common issues, but it’s also crucial to monitor your ticket volume over time.

Imagine that the number of tickets is increasing, especially in a certain area. If so, you may need to review your communication strategies, help articles or policies. Managers must also be aware of the pressures their support staff is under so that they can offer assistance before burnout occurs.

How can you calculate the volume of tickets? Record the number of tickets you receive on a regular basis: daily, weekly, or monthly. To visualize the results, plot them on a line chart (like in our template for a customer service report, which you can find here).

customer service metrics: ticket volume tracking chart

Try to identify the possible causes of spikes. This could be a product release, global event, or a crisis in social media. This will help you to plan and allocate resources more effectively in the future.

6. Customer retention rate (CRR)

customer retention rate

The customer retention rate is the percentage of customers that a business retains in a given period.

This metric can be vital to companies who offer a subscription-based or regular service. Companies may measure retention rates on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, depending on their industry.

You’ll need the following information to calculate your customer retention rate:

S = Numbers of customers at the beginning of the period

E = Numbers of customers at the end period

N = Number added customers during the period

Calculate the customer retention rate using this formula:

[(E)/S] x 100 = CRR

Say, for example, that you had 100 customers when you started your timeframe (S), then 90 at the end (E), plus 15 new customers (N). You would have a 75% customer retention rate.

7. Churn Rate

Remember that good customer service is all about building relationships with your customers over time. The churn rate is the ratio of customers who leave your brand to those who stay.

The churning rate of customers is calculated for a certain period of time. Most commonly, the timeframes used are monthly, annual, and quarterly.

Divide the number of clients you lost over the period by the total customers you had before the period. Do not include any new customers that you acquired during the period. This will distort your results.

Churn Rate = (Customers who left over a period/Customers in the beginning of the period) * 100

Compare churn rate for different segments to determine if certain products or strategies of product bundling are more successful with customers than others.

Churn rate graph picturing how bundling affects churn

Source: Jean-Francois Parent’s presentation at the J.P. Morgan Global High Yield and Leveraged Finance Conference by Quebecor Inc. QMI, and Videotron Vice President and Treasurer

8. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

customer service metrics: customer acquisition cost

Customer acquisition costs tracks the average amount spent on marketing and sales to acquire each new customer.

This metric is a partial measure of the ROI for social media, sales, and marketing teams. As teams scale up their efforts, CAC and ROI should increase.

The CAC formula is simple: Divide the amount of money spent on marketing and sales over a period by the number customers acquired during that same time frame.

CAC = Marketing and sales spend/customers acquired

If you spend $10,000 on marketing and sales, and acquire 20,000 new customers, then your cost per acquisition will be 50 cents.

It’s true that a lower number is better, but it can also indicate a smaller budget for sales and marketing. This is why you should consider this number in conjunction with metrics such as customer satisfaction, growth and performance.

9. Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the amount you can earn from one customer throughout their lifetime relationship with your brand.

A CLV higher than average first purchase indicates that your customers are making multiple purchases over time. This indicates a strong brand relationship with a high level of brand loyalty.

You’ll need a few customer data points to be able to calculate CLV.

CLV = Average purchase value x Average purchase frequency x Average customer lifespan

One research analyst, for example, estimated that Amazon’s lifetime customer value is $2,283 among Prime members, and $916 among non-Prime customers.

This is also a key metric to understand how much money you can spend on social media marketing to gain a new client.

10. Recurring Revenue

The recurring revenue can be used to determine how loyal your customers are. You can also see if people are increasing or decreasing their recurring spending.

You can calculate recurring revenue for any period of time that corresponds to the notice or renewal period for your subscription services. Most commonly, you can choose between monthly recurring revenues (MRR) or annualized recurring revenues (ARR).

Multiply the number of active users multiplied by the average monthly revenue for each user to calculate MRR.

MRR = Average monthly revenue per active user x Number of active users

11. Revenue from expansion

The recurring revenue metric measures the amount you bring in each month. Expansion revenue is a measure of revenue that comes from premium products and upgrades. This is an excellent measure of customer satisfaction because it shows that customers are willing and able to pay more than what’s required to use your service.

Add up all revenue from upgrades, add-ons and other sources.

Divide the total by the users to calculate the expansion revenue per user.

Expansion revenue = total revenue from upgrades and add-ons/number of users

12. Revenue contraction

Revenue contraction is the opposite to revenue expansion. You’re calculating the revenue lost due to downgrades. It’s similar to churn because it shows that people aren’t happy with their premium plans.

Churn is the number of customers that you completely lose. Revenue contraction is the amount of revenue you lose when customers stay but upgrade their plans.

A number of streaming services have introduced lower-cost, ad supported plans in recent months. Antenna, a research company, found that 29% of the new ad plans were downgrades.

Source: Antenna

Remember that HBO MAx gains ad revenues from the downgrades. It’s not just a loss of income. It is a good indicator of how much customers value premium plans compared to basic plans.

Add up all revenue losses from downgrades to calculate revenue contraction. Divide the total by the users to calculate the contraction per user.

Revenue contraction per user = Total revenue loss from downgrades/number of users

13. Average revenue per user (ARPU)

You may not have recurring revenues if you do not have a subscription-based model. It’s important to monitor how the average spend of your customers changes over time. Customers who are satisfied with your brand are more likely to spend, while customers who are not will tend to spend less.

Divide your total revenue for a given period by the average number of users during that time period.

ARPU = Total Revenue/Number Of Active Users

Because ARPU is a key measure of brand health it appears often in investor and earnings reports.

Facebook Average Revenue per User graph

Meta Earnings Q1 2023 Presentation

14. Average response time

average response time

The average response time measures how long it takes customers to hear back from your support team.

Fast response times are a sign of good service, particularly online where customers expect to be served on demand. Many companies use bots to answer initial questions.

Hootsuite Inbox is one of many automation tools that can provide reports on average ticket handling times.

You can use the formula below to manually calculate the amount:

Average response time = Total response time to first customer query / number of queries

15. Average Resolution Time

customer service metrics: average resolution time

The average resolution time is the amount of time it takes to resolve customer tickets. The faster a customer’s issue can be resolved the better for both the customer and the organization.

It is important to accurately calculate the resolution time if you have a large volume of queries. How to manually calculate it:

Average resolution time = Total amount of time spent on cases resolved / total number of cases resolved

16. First contact resolution rate

Customer service metrics: first contact resolution rate

First contact resolution rate is another key customer service performance measure. Customers do not like being passed from agent to agent. This not only reflects poorly on an organization but also leads to longer response times.

You’re likely to have a high Customer effort Score (CES) if you have a poor first contact resolution rate. Particularly if you ask the customer to explain their problem more than once.

Many platforms calculate this automatically, just like average response time and resolution times. Just in case, here’s a manual formula:

First contact resolution rate = Cases resolved by one agent/cases resolved

17. The overall resolution rate

Customer service metrics: overall resolution rate

Not every case ends in a positive resolution. That’s normal. A good resolution rate is the ultimate goal.

How to calculate your overall Resolution Rate:

Overall resolution rate = number of cases resolved / unresolved numbers

It’s important to dig deeper if you have a low resolution rate, especially if your CRR is also low. Look at the specific ticket categories that are causing your resolution rate to drop and come up with solutions.

18. Communication channels preferred

To provide top-notch customer service, you need to know the locations where your customers expect support.

Track the platforms and methods your customers use to reach out to you so that you can allocate your resources appropriately. If you get a lot of support requests via Twitter, for example, it might be time to create a Twitter account dedicated to customer service.

Free Customer Service Report Template

Google Sheets has a simple template for a customer service report that will help you track your efforts to provide excellent customer service month after month. Go to “File”, then “Make a Copy” before you can use or customize the template.

The first tab contains a tracker of all your primary and second customer service metrics.

customer service report template free first tab screenshot

You can see the ticket volume in the second tab, which is a line chart. This allows you to easily identify what type of tickets are most popular and any problem categories that have been increasing. This chart can be used to communicate with product teams if you notice spikes in return rates, technical problems, or product availability.

customer service report template free: ticket volume tracker tab

This tab is almost like a customer-service metrics calculator. It contains all of the formulas and descriptions you need to complete your report. Here is a screenshot from the NPS Calculator.

customer service metrics calculator screenshot

Hootsuite Inbox helps you save time and improve customer service metrics by automating responses and integrating smart workflows. It also includes handy surveys and chatbots.

Get Started

Hootsuite Inbox offers automated replies, intelligent workflows and chatbots to save time with social messaging.

Download the Customer Service Metrics Guide 2023 + a free template.


The post Customer Service Metrics – 2023 Guide and Free Template appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.



Monday 10 July 2023

The best way to get started with ChatGPT?

Salespeople and soldiers are both always ready to face any challenges that come their way. Sales representatives need to be as prepared as soldiers to face their enemies. Continuous training and skill improvement are essential to achieve success. Sales role-playing is a great tool to stay up to date on the latest products and services, as well as improve your ability in handling difficult situations.

This blog will provide a comprehensive guide to the importance of sales role-play, its evolution in 2023, various scenarios to be considered, the role of videos and ChatGPT, as well as the many benefits that it provides to sales teams.

What is a sales role-play?

Sales role-play involves simulated real-life scenarios that sales professionals use to improve their skills. Reps can experiment in a safe setting, learn from their mistakes and improve on skills such as prospecting and objection handling. They can also develop their negotiation and closing abilities. Sales reps take on the roles of both the salesperson as well as the customer during the sessions, allowing them to gain a wide range of perspectives and challenges. This method provides reps with a supportive and safe environment to improve their sales techniques, receive feedback and practice at their own pace.

Sales role-play in 2023

Sales role-play has grown in importance over the years. Businesses will be faced with a market that is more complex and changing rapidly in 2023. Businesses must be able to adapt quickly as customers become more demanding. Both sales reps and customers must stay abreast of the latest trends and products. Sales reps can use intelligent tools like ChatGPT to participate in regular role-playing so that they are well-prepared and agile in such a dynamic marketplace. Further down, we will go into more detail.

Different types of sales role play scenarios

The scenarios that can be used in a sales role play are varied and tailored to meet specific learning objectives. Here are some examples:

Sales reps can learn to engage prospects, effectively communicate their value proposition, handle objections and ultimately secure appointments or next steps by simulating a cold calling scenario. Sales reps learn how to effectively engage prospects, communicate their value proposition and handle objections by simulating cold calling scenarios. Product Demonstrations are crucial moments in the sales cycle where they can showcase their products’ features, benefits and unique selling points. Reps can improve their presentation skills by role-playing product demos. They can also address concerns of customers and highlight benefits that appeal to potential buyers. Sales reps can practice persuasive responses by preparing role-play scenarios that focus on objection handling. They will learn to anticipate objections and listen with empathy. By rehearsing objection handling techniques, reps can become adept at addressing concerns, alleviating doubts, and turning objections into opportunities.Negotiation: Negotiation is a crucial skill for sales professionals when it comes to reaching mutually beneficial agreements with customers. Reps can practice winning strategies by rehearsing negotiation scenarios. They can learn how to identify customer requirements, leverage value propositions and negotiate pricing and terms. They can also build rapport with customers to help facilitate a successful deal closing. Sales Meetings: Sales meeting are crucial moments to advance the sales process and to develop relationships. Reps can improve their communication skills by role-playing. They can also develop active listening and ask effective questions to better understand the customer’s needs. Reps can create meaningful connections by simulating sales meeting, address customer pain points and deliver tailored solutions that resonate.

Benefits of Sales Role-Play

Sales role-playing has many benefits for sales teams.

Skill Development: Role play helps sales reps sharpen their communication, negotiation, objection handling, and relationship-building skills.Confidence Building: By practicing in a safe environment, sales reps gain confidence in their abilities, enabling them to perform better in real-world situations.Adaptability: Role play fosters adaptability by exposing sales reps to various scenarios, customer personas, objections, and negotiation tactics.Feedback and Improvement: Role-play sessions provide opportunities for constructive feedback and continuous improvement, helping sales reps refine their techniques and strategies.Team Collaboration: Role play encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among sales team members, allowing them to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives.

ChatGPT and videos in sales role play

In recent years, sales has changed dramatically with the advent of new technologies. Today’s sales professionals are lucky to have a variety of tools at their disposal that they could never have imagined. ChatGPT, videos, and other tools have grown in popularity, as their benefits are recognized as essential tools for sales. We will examine each tool and its benefits in detail.


What is ChatGPT, first of all?

ChatGPT, in essence, is an AI tool designed to produce human-like text using prompts provided by the user. The tool has been trained with a large amount of text and can produce responses that sound as if they are coming from a human. This technology is able to engage in conversation, answer questions, give explanations and make suggestions. It can be a great help for salespeople when they are playing the role of a salesperson. ChatGPT has been a great asset to sales teams. It has a variety of applications which can improve various aspects of sales. ChatGPT can help simulate real customer interactions by assisting with everything from optimizing outreach emails, to market research, to refining your sales pitches, to practicing how to handle objections.

This blog is a great resource to learn more about potential benefits of ChatGPT for sales.

ChatGPT is a great tool for role-playing sales.

ChatGPT has several reasons to be used in role-playing sales:

ChatGPT simulates real-world interactions with virtual customers. Sales professionals can engage in realistic conversations. ChatGPT offers immediate feedback and coaching to sales professionals during role-play sessions. It provides constructive suggestions and alternative sales strategies. This enables them to improve their techniques, overcome challenges, and optimize their performance.Versatility and Adaptability: ChatGPT can be customized to simulate various customer personas, industries, and sales scenarios. Sales teams can customize prompts and scenarios to match their business needs. This allows reps the opportunity to practice sales techniques, or overcome common challenges.

ChatGPT Role-Play Sales Prompts:

You can use prompts to start a task. You can start by using these prompts.

Hello, I am a potential client looking for a way to solve [specific problem]. I have some concerns about the price. What would you do to address my concerns?” “I am interested in your product but need to consult other decision makers. Can you provide me with a customer testimonial or success story to convince me that our solution is worth it? Why is your solution superior? What assurances can you give me that this aspect is taken care of?

Videos for sales role play

Videos have become a vital part of the sales process. They are used for everything from prospecting, to video newsletters, to video signatures. Videos can also be used for role-playing sessions to help sales reps improve their skills.

In the past, role-playing scenarios were performed in person and required the presence of colleagues or managers. With the help of videos, sales representatives can now practice virtually without needing to be physically present. Sales reps can now practice and improve their skills from anywhere and at any time.

The ability to review and analyze their performance is one of the biggest advantages of practicing with video. Sales reps are able to pay attention and evaluate their facial expressions and voice tone. It is important to improve these areas of performance, as most sales are conducted virtually.

You can record your video and share it with co-workers or managers from the Hippo Video platform. What’s more, the reviewer is able to add their comments right into the time stamp on the video. This makes it easy for both parties.

Use the Hippo Video feature 'Send for Review' for sales role play.

For more information, please see our Help Document

The conclusion of the article is:

In 2023, sales role play will be a completely different experience. It will use advanced technologies such as ChatGPT or videos to create a more immersive and effective learning environment. Sales teams can improve their sales performance by engaging in different sales role-play scenarios, using these innovative tools and building confidence. Sales professionals can excel in the competitive market today by embracing sales role-play.

ChatGPT’s basic version is free for all users.

There’s still more! OpenAI also released ChatGPT Plus – a premium version. The cost is $20 per month and offers unparalleled access, even during peak hours. ChatGPT Plus also offers faster responses, and you get to be the first one to try out new features like GPT-4.

Sign up now and see the magic unfold. You can also use videos if you’ve never done so before. Sign up for Hippo Video and try it out for free.

The post The best way to get started with ChatGPT? appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.



Customer Service Metrics 2023 Guide and Free Template

Customer Service Metrics – 2023 Guide and Free Template by Affiliate Marketing Buzz Customer Service Metrics – 2023 Guide and Free Templat...